The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4 Bakos, Armand Demers, Joseph Gula, Frederick Seiffert, William Lamb, Thomas Dugan, John Stelika, Robert Harvey, Arnold Stevens, Frank Souliere, Bichale Bablij, Joseph Desjardins, Allen Sawyer. Bernard. Taft Lawrence Popp. They will have three weeks to clear up their business affairs before being notified to report for duty. Miss Catherine Anne Dower, daughter of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Dower of Camden atreet, has registered at Hamelin college.

Minnesota, where she will specialize in music. The fire department was called out last night for dump fire in street that had been causing trouble 10 the firemen and neighbors for SeVferal days. Rubbish being dumped in; the spot is coming from the Valley arena in Holyoke that was burned st veral months ago. A large amount of very heavy tar paper is included in the rubbish. Mire Chief Phillip O'Connor and his men spent several hours at the dump Jast night, pulling rubbish apart and pouring tons of Water into the dump.

is now believed that the Aremen have put an end to the menace for a short time least. l'arents are warned to keep their youngsters away from the dump. SHELBURNE FALLS Shelburne Fails, 1.u- cille M. of "North street, whose engagement to Donald F. Peon Heath was announced recently, was given prenuptial shower recently the home of Mrs Ralph WV.

Wells Bridge street. During a very inforesting and much enjoyed program Miss Albec presented waffle iron and set of dishes by her 4850- cates in the Modern laundry. Hefreshments were served and these included 81 wedding cake very attractively decorated. The lainson Goodnow Manufacturing company plant closed vesterday for week's vacation and will reopen for business on the Sth. Amass M.

Baggs. 80, who died in Greentield. WAS woll all through this vicinity as a cuttle dealer of much note. and had carried 011 the business for inany years over 1 wide territory. For 3 long period of years William A.

Bardwell of Shelburne a Falls was associated with Mr Baggs in the cattle dealing business and during those years cattle was loaded weekly at the local freight yards. The funeral for Mr Baggs WitS held this afternoon Hit the home of son, Milton C. Baggy in Belchertown and burial 1:14 in Ludlow: Center remetery. The funeral of Dennis V. Carpenter, who died Monday at the home in was held this afternoon in Charlemont Congregational church with Rev Arthur Simmons officiating and the Grid committal rites were used.

Mr Campenter, who- had been ill for some months, was em- ployed for several years in the Lawless Barber shop 111 Shelburne Falls but more recently nad been employed guard boy the New. England de lower company at Shelburne Ills. Johni Hoffer, SUN of Drs Emma her of the a 58th college training deHotfer of Main street, is now a memtachment at MisC AS an aviation student. Mr and Mrs Arthur Kirsch of School street and Henry Kirsch of Conway street left today for several days' vacation. Henry Kirsch will visit the homie of Mr and Drs Carl Kirsch in Westfleld.

Mr and Mrs Joseph W. Shaw of Franklin street left today for a week's vacation at P'olk beach, Fairhaven. Miss Gretchen Mirick, secretary to the president at Linden Mall Junior college at Lititz, l'u, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr and Urs George Mirick on North street. Alis Priscilla March, teacher at Williams high school in 'Stockbridge, came last evening spend soveral days with her father, John G. March on North Ar and Urs Roy S.

Turton of Franklin street and Mr and Mrs Ellsv. orth Booker and daughter of Grisleft today for 8 week's vacation 2 Ayer's Cliff. Can. Mrs Booker and daughier will Visit relatives in that section for several days. EAST BROOKFIELD JOHN M'ORAIL FINED East Brookfield, Sept.

1 John Me Grail. 56, of Brookfield. was agsessed fines totaling $60 in district courts this morning when he guilty to charges of drunkenness and operating an automobile while under the influence of liquor. lie paid the $10 fine and was given until October 4 to pay the valance. Chief of POlice Leo I.

Delude of North Brookfield WAS the complainant. DIAMONDS OF FOUALITY PURCHASED IMMEDIATE CASH JOHN J.LYNCH LARGE PREFERRED SIZES 272 BRIDGE STREET "PRIVATE DIAMOND ROOMS" DANCING NITELY SINGLE ROOMS FRUM $2.110 DAILY AIR CONDITIONED co*ckTAIL LOUNGE DA BANQUET GO Springfield's AND MEETING Popular ROOMS Meeting Place HOTEL BRIDGWAY GEO TOR Managing Director Millian Kohler. la A Piece 0.5. Add vu. 2.00 for near ay ay Daun a Paper? ha 10 the patient, the Eye Physician's prescription may seem merely a strange bit of paper until it is translated into sight-correcting spectacles.

In reality. of course, the picture is reversed. It is the bent metal and blank lenses which are just so much material until they are fashioned and fitted according to the Eye Physician's prescription. The interpreting of your prescription is a precision-task. deserving to be entrusted to opticians whose reputation with leading Eye Physicians and Family Physicians is unquestioned.

The Family Physician the Eye and the Guild Optician three important men in the care of the A.L. Prescription Clarke Opticians 272 BRIDGE ST. VICIP THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1943 SOUTH HADLEY FALLS ST PATRICK'S PLANS A WOMAN'S SODALITY South Hadley Falls, Sept. 1-Rev John Lucy, curate at l'atrick's church, is leader in the movement to organize a women's sodality at St Patrick's church and at 3 meeting hold last night in the Knights of Columbus hall with a. large group of young Women from the parish in attendance.

Plans for the organization were discussed. Miss Juliette Cretien WAX 'electeu temporary chairman and Miss Constance Dudley, secretary and treasuntil permanent officers can be elected. Father Lucy outlined plans for the group, which will include spiritual, Aincational, social and athlctic and each young woman has been invited to send in her choice of AC1ivity. There will be subgroups organized so that all may take active parts in the programs. All young WOMAN of the parish, nurried VI' singie, are invited attend the next meeting to he held in Knights of Columbus hall 011 evening.

public reception for Martin Tracy, pastor, will be hold On that of the committee in charge Miss Eunice Connoville is chairman for the next incating. There will he all connumity singing under the direction of Miss Mary Fay. Refreshments will be served. Donald V. Moynahan, an enlisted man in the marine has returned to New River, N.

after visiting here with his sister, Miss Mary Moynahan of Gaylord street. l'arents of children to enter the first grade. in Cenool. this year must register the children at the ntlice of the superintendent before tire opening date, Wednesday. Children entering the first grade must have been five or older vi or before March 15.

Mafo club of the Falls Congre-known church held its annual corn tonight at the bome of Mr and M1'3 Ralph Burnette of Bardwell street. Games were played with prizes for the winners, and a social hour was, enjoyed. Assisting the host and hostess were Mr and Drs Walter Smith, Mr and Mrs Mrs Ronald Astley and Or and Mrs Kermit folly. The South Hadley State guard wi'l hold second annual dance in the 1. 1A1 17 hall ull Friday night and the public is invited to Bill Renneut and his orchestra will play.

Wal14 Wojnarowski general chairman, assisted by William Noien, Donald Welles, Chester Lizak, John lendersun. Howard Phoenix, F. Roger l'eronult and Itobert Kelly. The west side of the South Marley end of the county bridge hits been blocked off temporarily for pedestrians while the contracting company is painting the two spans on the South Hadley end. Offices at the tow.n hall and the municipal building will he closed all day Monday, the 4th, in observance of 1.1- my day, Stores also will be closed all day.

the final union service of Falls Methodist and Congregational churches will take place on Sunday. Corp Edward Lynch. formerly of Newton street, now with the army Air corps. has been transferred from New Mexico to 811 air at KantCity, Mr and Sirs John Hones of street are parents of a 8011, born at Holyoke large hospital. group of young men who look their physical' esaminations at Springfield o11 Monday.

included married men, some with children. They passed the testy and only two Were rejected for plus sical defects. They will be called for active duty in the army in three weeks. Those who missed mcluded Everett Hawking, Frank Sambrowski. George lerome.

Norman -Miller. Walter Majka, Stephen BE SMART! STORM SASH Now! Dont wait until IT IS TOO LATE Standard sizes In sires made order. We will cheerfully give You estimate without any obligation. WALKER FOUNDED 1820 SPRIN ID MASS 31 MARKET ST. PHONE 3-5158 NORTH BROOKFIELD FIRE DAMAGES ROOF OF DELUDE BUILDING North Brookfieid, Sept.

1 Fire which caused $1000. damage to the roof the Delude building on Grove street this morning was caused by a spark from an incinerator, according to Fire Chief Stanley Tucker. The block is owned by Mrs Odena Powers of Willow street. A market owned and operated hy Albert Giguere occupied the first floor. The second floor is unoccupied.

It WAS the rooms of the Rosebud Athletic club. OPA auditors making EL state survey of war price and rationing hoards today commended the North Brookfield board on it: foresight in keeping all the ration coupons in a safety deposit box. at the Worcester County Trust company, since the opening of the new office -August 1. BROOKFIELD TEACHERS ENGAGED; SCHOOLS OPEN THE 8TH Brookfield. Sept.

1 The faculties of the Brookfiold schools have been completed for the coming school sear with the announcement today by Supt of Schools Rhoden B. Eddy of the appointment of Miss Elsie Burhank of Rockland, to teach grade 3 in the school. She succeeds Miss Mabelle 1. Feleh. who resigned in June.

Miss Burbank has had nine yews' experience. The schools will open on Wednesday morning and Supt Eddy has anInounced the teaching staffs, and their assignments itS follows: Brookfield high school. Principal Henry W. Card, mathematics and science; Miss Anne R. McNally, English and social studies: Mrs Edith Bolshaw, languaMiss Myrtle Heidel, commercial subjects, and Miss Mary A.

Derrick, grades 7 ant $. Blanchard school. principal, Miss Mary 1. Lenen, grades 5.1 and Mrs Alfreida Burnham, grades and 5B: Miss Elsie Burbank, grade Miss Mary F. O'Donnell, grade 2, and Airs M.

Isabelle Fletcher, grade 1. The Brookfield report center, which has been in operation in the station since December 27. was closed this afternoon, according to all announcement Dy P'ercival G. Ridley, chief air raid warden. Air raid telephone calls will be handled at the McLauren-Jones company factory.

The schedule will he in effect except during the daytime hours on Sunday, when there will be no one in the factory to receive calls. The regular Sunday watchers have been asked to report at their scheduled times for the present until other arrangements can he made. DALTON Dalton. Sept. 1-Ralph Stowell, son of Mrs Callie Stowell.

who is employed at Pratt Whitney at lartford. will leave soon for North Africa. where he will serve as representative of that company. At the meeting of the Dalton Service club last night it was announced that the sun of $1419.77 is now in the treasury. On the 8th the birthday boxes will be packed and on the 15th there will he 400 Christinas boxes packed for men and women in the service, which will cost $2.50 each.

It was announced that in November some type of entertainment will be put on by John J. LaPointe, chairman of the entertainment committee for funds for birthday boxes. in 1944. Jeannette Russell of High street has been promoted to corporal in the medical corps at Oglethorpe, Ga. Miss Ruth Irish of North street was given a party night at the Berkshire restaurant in Pittsfield, as she is leaving soon to join the WAC.

Her associates at Crane gave the party. She is the daughter of Mr and Drs Archie Irish. The members of and baseball leagues held their annual banquet last night at 6.30 the Community house. I'rizes were awarded members of the winning teams. The KC will have its annual outing Sunday at the Rod and Gun club grounds in Kittredgeville.

There will he a program of sports and supper will be served. Alex White, is general chairman and Harold Kaley ticket chairman. CONWAY Conway, Sept. 1 Postmaster Charles Dacey has been on a vacation. Mrs Margaret Parsons and (laughter, Muriel, have been visiting friends and relatives at North A Airs John Wells is taking an PXtended rest front her work and will spend the time with her sister, Mrs Whipple, and her brother, J.

Britton, in Springfield. Pic Ruth Savage of the marines has spent a furlough with her sister, Mrs Homer Antes, after completing a course at a Link instrument training instructor school at Atlanta, and hits gone to the marine airbase at Cherry J'oint, N. where she will he an instructor in instrument Aying. Miss Margaret Stearns left yesterday for her new position ns librarian in a public library Meriden, Ct. Schools here will open the 8th.

Mrs Russell Wells will teach the school in sons will have charge of the seventh to Poland district. Jirs Margaret Parand eighth grades in the grammar school and other teachers are Miss Mildred Jacob. Miss Irene Dexter and Miss Elizabeth Kopena. Dr John A. Moran, son of Mr and Mrs M.

D. Moran of this town, has been promoted from captain to major. He was selected to take a course in aviation medicine at Randolph field, and is now serving as flight surgeon at Nashville, Tenn. GILBERTVILLE Lucite. from which airplane his mother, Mrs Jennie are built; is a coal-derived- plastic.

Foy, of Cottage avenue. Gilbert ville, Sept. 1-Sergt Ferdinand Misiaszek is spending a furlough with his mother, Airs Mary Misinszek of Church street. He is attached to the artillery troops, which use mules to haul guns and equipment. He recently completed sev.

en months of service en Guadalcanal. where he has been stationed since January. Sergt Misiaszek reports seeIng five Gilbertville boys on the island. among them Pie Emil Biatek. Pots Richard Barry, Leo Champigny, Jo-eph Pluta and Corp Norman MacDonald.

lle says that Biatek had been wounded in the arnI and was given the Purple Heart award. Put losenh Bednarz of Camp Loonand Wood, is visiting his parents. Mr and Mrs William Bednarz of High street. lie has passed examinations for aviation cadet and will be assigned to an army airfield for training when his furlough ends. He has three brothers in the service, Henry and Stephen, petty offirers in the navy, and Corp Stanley Bednarz, now on maneuvers in Tennessee.

Joseph T. Rattier of Hardwick road. has passed examinations for aviation cadet and will leave on the 22d for training. Te WAS graduated front Hardwick high school and has been employed at the San Nap Pak mill in Wheelwright as a mechanic. Lucite.

from which airplane turrets are built; is a coal-derived- plastic. HUNTINGTON MRS CHAPIN RESIGNS NORWICH HILL POSTI Pastor of First Church for. 27 Years Says Her Health Is Failing Huntington, Sept. 1-After nearly 27 years of service with the First Congregational church on Norwich hill, Mrs Myrtie B. Chapin, pastor, has asked to be released in a letter of resignation recently, submitted.

Mrs. Chapin her decision after several years of limited activity plan use visit friends here hind in Eastbecause of failing health. It is her hampton upon relinquishing her -work here on the 15th. At a meetirg of the church held at the close of the service Sunday it WAS voted to grant Mrs Chapin's request and the task of appointing a successor Was begun. Mrs Warren D.

Rude recently succeeded her A8 president of the Ladies' society. Mrs Royce Granger was appointed church treasurer for the rest of the year and for the present, A. J. Rhines of Westwho has been associated with held, local work, will assist with the superintendency of the church school and act as pastor, A meeting for further study of the situation will be held al the close of the morning service next Sunday when Kev George N. Tuttle, secretary.

for the Massachusetts Congregational Conference and Missionary society, will be present. It is hoped that every member of the purish will attend. Mr Tuttle will also speak it the morning service at 11. Rev and Mira Ronald J. Tamblyn of Holyoke Norwich have returned front visit to the home of Rev Mfr Tamblyn's mother in Michigan.

Richard W. Keehe of Pittsfield announces the engagement of his sister, Ruth A. Beebe, to Technician Adalore T. Duga. son of Mr and Drs Thomas Duga of Maple street.

Miss Beehe is graduate of the high school and la employed as an inspector in the plastics division of the General Electric company. Mr Dagu is with the ordnance division at Camp Forrest, Tenn. The wedding will take place in the early fall. Sir and Mrs Frank Rinfrette of East Douglas and Mr and Mrs Fred Lu Valley of Springfield have returned to their homes after visiting Jir and Mrs Thomas Duga of Maple street. Pyt Harry Gareau has returned to his station in Florida after visiting his family on Laurel road.

Philip Caron of Laurel road spent the weekend visiting friends in Westfield. The Arthur Cooley. family has moved from Basket street to the Gibbs house 011 Russell street. WILLIAMSTOWN Williamstown, Sept. 1- Apprentice seamen in the V-12 college training program today took over for their own use the Kappa Alpha fraternity house, The more than 400 trainees are renting from Williams college the building for recreational purposes in their free time.

Officers will supervise use of the building. Kappa Alpha house was one of a dozen fraternity homes now empty and scheduled to be boarded up for the duration. Townspeople interested in the new quarters of Pine Cobble school in the former Weston home on Main street were today invited to attend a recention. there tomorrow night at 8. Headmaster Raven O.

Dodge announced today that a number of children from Williamstown and North Adams have arranged to attend the school session. BELCHERTOWN Belchertown, Sept. 1-Second Lieut Elwyn J. Doubleday has been promoted to first lieutenant. He is the son of Ar and Mrs F.

W. Doubleday of Pelham road. Miss Ruth Spencer, A. nurse at Johnson Memorial hospital, Stafford Springs, is spending part of her ents, Mr and Mrs Howard Spencer of three weeks' a vacation with her parJackson street. Dr.

and Mrs Raymond. Kinmouth and son, Raymond. have returned from a month's varation spent Mrg Kinmouth's relatives at Mystic, Ct. News has been received of the birth of a daughter, lazel Mae, on August 23 to Mr and Philip Barnes. of Newton.

The child is a granddaughter of Frederick 1. Lincoln of this town. John W. Avery is visiting in Burlington, Vt. Corp James O.

Joyal, stationed at Camp Robinson, is home on a 15-day leave with his parents, Mr and Mrs Romeo J. Joyal of Maple street. Miss Florence Fay of Dwight trict has returned home from Lake Wyola, where she was a junior councilor At Camp Anderson. The next meeting of the Methodist Youth fellowship will he on Sunday, the 12th. RUSSELL the Moore Drop Forging plant.

NORTH WILBRAHAM Russell, Sept. 1-The monthly business meeting of the Ladies' Aid society will be held at the Community church Thursday night at 7.30. Charles Bruno has sold a house on West Main street to Arthur Guay of Tax Collector Morris E. Loser will he at the Community building in Woronoco front 7 to 9 Friday night for collection of taves. Fred Roper and Miss Gertrude Bates of Westfield ale spending the week at the home of Mr and Mrs John Gould.

Three tables were in at the Past Pocahontas club bridge party at the home of Mrs Henry Cole Tuesday night. P'rize for high score was taken Mrs A. TI. Moltenbrey, and for low score by Mrs Asa Steins. Seaman Robert Feustel is spending A 10-day furlough at his home here.

ITe is being transferred from Norfolk. to Indiana. Francis and family are moving to Springtield, where they will occupy 2. tenement the one of the new housing projects. is employed in North Wilbraham, Sept.

1-Workmen, engaged by the Boston Albany railroad, who have been working in this section for several weeks, living in railroad- cars in the center of town, may move to Palmer, according to reports. The men, who sleep and have their oun cooks to prepare their meals in the cars, have advanced Fast to H. point where it would be more convenient to have their living quarters moved past also, Guests of Mr and Mrs Arthur Cloutier recently' included Mr and Mrs Richard Gourley and Mrs Fred Doersam of Springfield, Mr and Arthur Bilodeau and two children, Mr land Mrs Hubert Bradley, Mry Luella Brown, Mr and Mrs Francis Stanley and son. Robert, all of Springfield, Mr and Mrs Kenneth Cloutier and daughter, June, of Manchester, Miss Judith Cloutier, a granddaughter. is spending two weeks at the Cloutier home on Crane Hill road.

William Foy, who has recently completed A course at a clerk's school. in Louisiana, is spending a furlough with his mother, Mrs Jennie Foy, of Cottage avenue. Ire, Sept. Mr and Mrs A. Louis Blache of East Center street observed their wedding anniversary yesterday.

The couple were married at Notie Dame church in North Adams. Blache was the former Exilia Trudell of North Adams. They came to Lee 10 live about 261 ears ago. They have seven children. The Home and Community Service committee will have charge of the program at the meeting of Lee Grange tomorrow night at under the direction of Mrs Jesse P.

Clark. Mrs Thomas Neals is chairman of the refreshment committee. Pyt Emmett Hodgkins has returned to Salt Lake Utah, after 10 days with his mother, Mrs Janet V. Hodgkins of High street. and Miss Marion Dohoney, school visiting nurse, has returned from vacation of three weeks.

The Wednesday night meetings for young people at the Red Cross surgical dressing rooms, have closed for the fall and winter. as many of the girls are returning to school and college. Rev and Mra Ernest A. Becker have moved from Hartford to the parsonage on Park place. Mr Becker was recently called as pastor of the First Congregational church.

John I'. Tracy of Park street is substituting AS city mail carrier on the route of Pvt Robert Mackie. WARE LEE STATE GUARD PLANS TWO ENCAMPMENTS Ware, Sept. 1-Paul Finby has donated the use of Camp Sharilawn at Hardwick pond for encampments of the local State guard first will be held on the 11th and 12th. Rations will be secured from Westover field and menus will be the same as for meals provided to regular army men in the 1st service command.

The state organization will have a recruiting campaign this month to r'eplace members who have entered military service or have left the state units for some other reason. Lieut John T. Casey will be in charge of recruiting here. Prospective recruits who wish to encampment may report at guard headquarters Tuesday and Thursday nights, 7.30 to 9. Uniforms and equipment will be issued immediately and those accepted may go tc camp with the company.

Ware and Hampshire Woolen plants have been given an added star for the pennants previously awarded for high production records, the stars being the maximum which can he won by any concern in an 18 months period. This is the largest held by any New England textile concern and the Ware companies were the first of the textile group to qualify for the "E' award in the United States. John H. Wisnoski, federal nul revenue office, had a busy- day sentative from the Springfield an interhere today, assisting Ware and vicinity residents to prepare their mated income tax returns, also cleanting up some cases where car owners had failed to secure their to automobile use, stamper resident previously. until Mr recently, Wisnoshi, enters military service on the 17th, and will hate a brief vacation before reporting.

Harry D. Gafney, athletic coach at Northampton high school, with his wife, have been visiting his mother, Mrs Jane (iafney Bank street, has returned to Northampton. Postal receipts for August at the Ware postoffice increased about 5 per cent -over the same month last year, but issued money' orders sharply decreased and the volume of (paid or'ders increased. Postal receipts for the month were $3040.97 and last vear, $2902.43. Last month 1497 orders were issued for $14,168.11, with fees of $145.21, and in 1942 there were 2150 issued for $20,175.91.

and fees of $211.20. There were 1047 orders paid last month for $21,594 and last year 976 paid for $16,864. Red Cross first aid classes will start station and a George Adams will be inTuesday evening at 7.30 1he fre structor. All interested may register at Lemaitre's drugstore 01' at the fire station Tuesday night. An exhibit of first aid equipment has been placed in the Lemaitre store window.

Ware's first Air Scout squadron received its charter tonight at ceremonies in the headquarters in Storrs house block, the presentation ceing by Chief Nourse of Hampden council, Springfield, to the squadron sponsor representative. McLaurin-Jones concern sponsors the organization and Falk is chairman of the squadron committee. Ware gasoline dealers reported considerable increase in business the driving ban and the demand conday preceding lifting of the tinued today. Many A card holders were filling up preparatory to making a trip for the weekend and holiday and were making sure of a tankful as there is some doubt as to whether local stations will take care of the increased demand due to the lifting of the ban. Many local A motorists have saved up coupons and plan to use all they have that are legal now.

Intentions of marriage have been filed at the town clerk's office by Miss Mildred R. Palys of 13 Cherry street and Wallace Muller of 47 Edgewood street, Springfield; Edward Tobiasz of 37 South street, now in army service, and Miss llelen Wilga S. of Three Rivers; Miss Elizabeth Matosky of 7 Maple and W'illiam R. Frappier of Gilbertville. SOUTHAMPTON night, a personal shower given Southampton, Sept.

1-Wednesday Miss Margaret MI. Sherman in for honor of her approaching marriage, at the home of her aunt, MIs Harold Mrs Congdon and her Congdon, by daughter, Mrs Bernard Murphy. There were 30 present and a large number of personal gifts were received. A shower wedding cake was ent by the bride-to-be. Games were played.

Miss Sherman is the daughter of Chief Police and Mrg Reynolds J. Sherman and is 10. marry Sergt is now located at 'Arlington, Tex. Leonard erm Annis of South Hadley, who Malcon Brown, son of Mr and Airs George Brown of Bedlam street, entertained friends at a birthday party Tuesday. Anthony Goral left today after a four-day leave, lie has completed a 14-week course naval Diesel.

engine work Richmond, and. is motor machinist's mate second class. He the Hon of Mr and Mrs Felix Goral of this town. MI's Willard Howland announces that the Ladies' Aid society has. for sale cards with pictures of both church and school at both Red and White and Boyd's store also from Mrs lowland and Mrs F.

R. Stone. Douglas and Donald Madsen. twin MONS of Mr and MIs Axel Madsen, were at home from Fort Devens for a brief stay. Morris Rider and wife recently called on friends in town and they have now gone to San Francisco, where' he will join.

the navy. He completed his training course in Virginia. He was at the battle of Panay, also at' Pearl Harbor and Wake island. His brother. Linwood, in the army and Donald, in the navy.

Alfred Kingsley has been appointed BLANDFORD PLANER SHED BURNS; LOSS SET AT $5000 Robert Wyman Also Loses Planer and New Truck, All Uninsured Plandford, Sept. 1-A Are of unknown origin burned Robert Ulyman's planer shed on Russell roud around 9 this morning. A planer and and a large new lumber truck was burned. loss was estimated at no insurance. The fire department.

arrived in time to save Kenneth Hart's garage, which was scorched. Mr Hart's little girl, Jeanne, discovered the Are. The boards of Blandford's honor roll which stands on the Porter Memorial library lawn have been taken down to he repainted and receive the names of more boys in service. The selectmen ask, that anyone who is not a town official but has in his or her possession a key to. the town hall, will return it to them.

Mr and Mrs Robert Taylor of Hartford. have been recent guests of Mr and Mrs Edwin Anderson. Leland Aldrich entertained two tables of, bridge at Martha's House, Monday afternoon. Mr and Mrs Prosper Montivani and son, Robert, returned home Sunday after spending several days with Mr and Mrs Charles Whitney, of Newfane, Vt. Rev and Mrs Charles Meaner of East Caanan, moved into the parsonage today, Mr Meaner is to be Blandford's minister, Shirley Ripley and Barbara Palmer are spending a few days with Shirlex's uncle And aunt, Mr and Mrs Ralph Porter of Middletown, Ct.

ORANGE KOLODNEY MYERS PLANS DRESS FACTORY Orange, Sept. Announcement is made by Kolodney Myers, manufacturing Civision of R. Kolodney Co. makers of the famous "Betty Hartford' dresses, it plans to start manufacturing at Orange in the near future. It will locate temporarily on the top floor of Mann's block, where the Enterprise and Journal print shop formerly operated.

There is room for some 40 machines here, and alterations and renovations are being made. Steady work is maintained during the year and A working schedule of 48 hours a week will be maintained. This will provide an opportunity for operatives to earn very satisfactory pay. Representatives of the company will be at the Chamber of Commerce offive in Reynolds's block on Friday from 9 a. to 6 p.

and on Tuesday from 9 A. to 7 p. to interview applicants and to furnish information regarding the company's working conditions, wages and employment. It is pianned to start production by October 1. Announcement ts made by Capt Qualters of Co 21st infantry, Massachusetts State guard, that Orange and Athol people who received awards in the recent maneuver fund contest were B.

Simonds of 212 Silver Lake street. Athor, who won $25; Mrs Eunice White of 37 Bacon street, Orange, K. Whitney and George Dyer of Athol, each of whom received $5 awards, As a special and unusual attraction en Sunday Afternoon A.t the Mardi Gras, Orange town park, the Indians who are conducting A sideshow for the four days will hold a ceremonial event on the main platform, in which two of the gen-ral committee will hecome adopted members of the tribe. This is serious but quite colorful service which is practiced by Indians throughout the West. LENOX Lenox, Sept.

1-Chaplain Coleman R. Morrison of the naval service is spending A leave at his home here. Commissioned a first lieutenant in February. he hag been stationed at the naval air base at Corpus Christi, the largest in the world. Previous to his appointment to the naval officers' school at Norfolk.

he was on the faculty of Fenwick school at Oak Park, for 13 years. Mr and Mrs John Mackey of Boston are visiting Mr Mackey's brother and sieter-in-law. and Drs David Mackey of liousatonic on street. Mr and Mrs Lawrence Monroe and daughter, Sally, have moved from the Mackey house to 3. cottage on Uplands, the estate of Mrs R.

J. Flick. Miss May Roux is on her vacation from the office of the Southern Berkshire l'ower and Light company. Be Frederick Miller, manager of the local store, has heen transferred to the company's store on Newell street. Ile is being succeeded by Ar-.

thur Webater of Pittsfield. Mr Webster has been with the for 23 years. He plans to move his wife and two children Lenox. 1 WILLIAMSBURG Williamsburg. Sept.

1 Mrs Marguerite Thayer. president of the Woinen's of the Congregational church, has called A meeting of the executive committee of the union' be held Friday evening at the home Mrs Carl Rustemeyer of South street. Dr and Mrs Lazell Brainard Main atreet. are spending a week's vacation on the Cape. Miss Patricia Whipple has returned to her home on South street from the Shriner's hospital, where she underwent an operation on her knee seven weeks ago.

The regular meeting of the Grange will be held Saturday evening. The annual memorial to the late Wilbur Purrington will he on that evening and will be in charge uf Roderick McCloud. A paper on the life of Mr Purrington will he read by Raymond Warner. Miss Anna Warren of Holyoke will speak on "Citizenship." Mrs Richard Merritt and son. Richard.

who have been visiting Supt and Mrs L. A. Merritt of North street, have returned to their home at Galena, 0. Mrs Edwin Graves and children Depot road are spending the week at Plymouth. Mr and Mrs James Dunstan have closed their summer home on Briar Hill road and returned to New York city for the winter.

Miss Ruth Merritt of North street is visiting her sister and family. Mr and Mrs Albert. Andersen of Kittery, Me. TURNERS FALLS Turners Falls, Sent. 1 Rolland Bowman and daughter, Ruth.

of 99 Third street. are visiting relatives in New York city for a week. Ensign Charles Sliva, son of Mr and Mrs John Sliva of the French King highwa" in Gill, has been spending a few days' leave with his family following completion of A. course in Diesel engineering at Cornell university. He left this morning for New York city.

where he was joined truant officer. L'ublic schools will open Wednesday, the 8th, with the same Brimfeld, Sept. 1-Mr and Dre Francis Smith have received word from their son, Aviation Cadet Donald W. Smith, that he has graduated from his preflight training course at Nashville, and has been transferred to Lafayette, Lil. Mrs Ella Kathan is entertaining her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Elmer Kathan of Westfield.

the members of the Fidelis class at Mire Eugenia Tarbell will entertain her home on the Brookfield. road, Thursday afternoon with luncheon to be served at 1. American Legion post 263 will mect at the town hall Wednesday evening at 8. The monthly meeting of the Worcester Southwest Grange will be held local town hall on Saturday evening at 8. BRIMFIELD PALMER YOUNG WILD DRIVER IS HELD BY COURT Boy, 16, Who Upset Car, Injuring Two, Said to Have Fled School 16-year-old Lyman school escaped was charged with being delinquent child by reason of leaving the scene of an accident after causing personal injury, and operating an uninsured and unregistered automobile.

According. to state police the boy had procured a car as well 89 a set of plates for it, and was driving in an erratic manner and at an excessive rate of speed in the town of Alonson last Monday when the machine left the highway And rolled over, injuring two young passengers. The boys, one a brother of the defendant, were taken 10 Wing Memorial hospital wehre they were treated for severe lacerations of the scalp. The case was continued to tomorrow for disposition when it is understood the boy will be turned over to Lyman school officials. Congressman Philip Philbin of the Ed Massachusetts district will he the speaker tomorrow noon at the Rotary club meeting at the Hopkins house.

He wili be introduced by Elbridge Rathbone, who is serving as program chairman this month. The Ladies' Benevolent society of Second Congregational church will hold its first fall meeting next Wednesday at 3 a in then churcu en parlors. Robert Bishop of Squier street 1A spending a week's vacation with grandparents at Lake Chautauqua, N. Y. Births Wing hospital reports three babies born there yesterday and one today.

They are, yesterday; A daughter to Mr and Mrs Joseph Rog of Church street, Thorndike; A son to Mr and Airs Robert MacKenzie of Breckenridge street, Palmer, And a son to Mr and Mrs Wendell Knox of Shaw street, Palmer; and today a daughter was bern to Mr and Mrs George Rebello of Bourne street, Three Rivers. Miss Moire Mitchell of Whitingsville, who has been employed at Wing Memorial hospital for severa! months 88 secretary and record librarian, left yesterday, having been called to active duty with the SPARS. Miss Mitchell, who had had two years' experience a hospital secretary before coming here, will train for a pharmacist's mate rating with the coast guard auxiliary. Albert Nicholas, who enlisted in the navy in 1037, is spending a 30-day furlough with his parents, Mr and Mrs William Nicholas of. 144 Park street.

He was serving aboard the Helena when the ship wag sunk the latter part of July in Kula gulf. Young Nicholas was one of the survivors who spent several hours in the water before being rescued. He was reported as missing at the time. but. later notified his parents of his safety.

sion Pulmer, of district Sept this juvenile morning! completed the course, and they all continued on to Florida, where they will have several more weeks of advanced instruction. D. Trecartin of Williams street. Northampton, was guest of honor at a party given Sunday night hy his mother and sister, at their home on 91 Fifth street. Trecartin will enter the navy tomorrow.

Mr's Mary Leary of Maple street returned to her home Friday, after spending the summer visiting her son, Lieut-Col Daniel. Leary and family of San Diego, Cal. She made the trip out by plane and returned via Washington. D. (..

where she visited another son. Dr Theodore Leary and family. She wi'l resume her duties in the Central-street school next week. by 11 other ensigns, who have Just ATHOL TOUSSAINT IS GIVEN SUSPENDED SENTENCE Athol Man Pleads Guilty to Larceny and Morals Charges Special Dispatch to The 1-Armand Republican TousWorcester, 33, of 105 South Athol street, Sept. given A.

one-year sussaint, Athol, sentence in the house of corwas pended rection and was placed on probation for three when he pleaded guilty to larceny, and morals charges in before Judge John V. Spalding The superior court court was here. told Toussaint was found the nigit of July 23 merchan- loading cigars, into an automobile in the rear cigarets and other dise of. Carbone's restaurant in Athol, where had been taken from the he WAS employed. Police also said $14 cash register.

The charge involved An Athol court he is Working at the Bethlemorals. Toussaint told the hem shipyard in Hingham. MRS ETTA HASTINGS FUNERAL TO BE HELD Athol, Sept. 1-Mrg Etta Hastings, 77, formerly of Athol, who died Baldwinsville, yes. will terday he brought to Athol tomorrow afternoon at funeral at the Higgins for the neral home.

Burial will be in Hardwick cemetery. Mrs Hastings WAR' born at Holden, daughter of William twice and Martha Smith and Whitin, was and married, first to Edwin delater. to Warren Hastings, both ceased, She had four children by first marriage, two and her three daughters, Mrs Herbert Ladeau Archiof Baldwinville, Mrs Martha of Templeton and Mrs Louis bald Williams of East Leverett. Athol. Sept.

1-There are four Athol boys 011 Guadalcanal and a Afth cently left there to gO to New Georgia Melvin island. They are Jacob and who are in the army air Sergt Edward Qualters and Plotkin, Trevors. l'aul Stevens has force, Harry gone to New Georgia. Miss Erma Wright of Philadelphia has been spending two weeks with her parents, Mr and Mrs Clifford Wright of Fairview avenue. Airs Mariorie Dunham.

of Main street and her daughter-in-law, Drs Exine Fox and Mr Crowley of New Jersey have returned from North Carolina where they spent 10 dAy's with Walter Fox, seaman, who has been in the navy hospital at Charleston. Eileen since last Deminie March. of School 'street at her home at 339 School street after an operation at the Gardner hospital, MONSON Monson. Sept. 1-A meeting of Quahoag lodge of Rebekahs will he held tomorrow night at 8 in thA clubrooms in the Bank building.

The first nomination of officers will take place. A well will he held tomorrow aliernoon from 2 rooms to 4 in the Monson district nurse on Main street. The Monson Free: library And branch library will be closed Monday in observance of Labor day. Beginning week of the 6th the usual Friday and Saturday evenirg hours will be resumed, from 6.30 to 8.30. Dr.

Hazel F. Mungell Munsell, of Main daughter street, of Mr Kelly B. of the School of Tropical Medicine in Puerto Rico. recently attended A meeting' of 'the Anglo 'American Caribbean commission held in St Thomas, Virgin Islands. Dr: Mun.

sell served as. the nutrition sp. ist for the conference: and was the only woman among the group of 25 or more present. Frank O. Giffin of Lincoln street and Clifford Guyette Cushman street will leave Friday on A salmon and trout fishing trip to Rangeley lakes, Me.

Old Post Office Square Cafe and Restaurant 80 Worthington St. 27 Fort St. Separate Entrance to Restaurant Fort SPECIAL BLUE PLATE DINNERS and coffee. Choice of five entrees tomato including juice. soup Dessert or SERVED EVERY DAY This Week IS A GOOD TIME TO FIT THE CHILDREN TO SCHOOL SHOES Small Children's Shoes Sizes to 12 $2.45 to $3.50 Sizes to 3 to $4.25 Big Girls' Shoes Sizes 4 to 10 $3.95 to $5.00 Boys' Shoes Sizes 1 to 6 Morse Haynes To 1444 MAIN STREET Special LARGE UTILITY CAN for garbage, trash, ashes, vegetables, fruit storage, etc.

Excellent where there is need for a large receptacle Made of tough impreg. nated Weather resistant stands up under expos. ure and hard knocks. Wears well. 97 Large 20 gallon size, only For Sale at CHECKERBOARD FEED STORES In -Springfield, Westfield, East Longmeadow.

and Palmer 19 of he he to to of A St the 25 A -51 4 2 1 4 3.

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Dan Stracke

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